Oppdalsmøtet 2018- This year in Åre

The Norwegian Biochemical Society (NBS) wish to invite you all to a two-day professional and social gathering at Hotel Granen, Åre!!!!!



We will depart from St. Olavs 10th of April, and will return on the evening the day after. Transport will be by by bus, with a small “pitstop” for groceries etc. at Storlien.

This is also an excellent opportunity for master and PhD students to present their research!
and we strongly ecourage as many as possible to sign up for giving an oral presentation. (As an added bonus, speakers receive a discount on the meeting costs!).

Confirmed talks:

Marit Otterlei: APIM; from discovery to medical application

Berit Løkensgard Strand: TBA


The meeting costs approx. 2300 NOK, this covers food and lodging in double room, as well as transport.

Register by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Please mention in your e-mail whether you wish to present your research and who you wish to share room with (only doubles available).

Final registration date is Febuary 5 th.

We hope to meet many of you at Åre!

Best regards,

Lene Grøvdal, NBS Trøndelag

Oppdalsmøtet 2017- New deadline: February 7th!!!

The Norwegian Biochemical Society (NBS) wish to invite you all to a two-day professional and social gathering at hotel Skifer, Oppdal http://www.skiferhotel.no/.


The science program will start at approx. 14.00 the 22nd of March, and will finish at 11.30 the day after. Transport will be by optional, but we suggest the participants to buy tickets for the train arriving at Oppdal 09.55.

This is an excellent opportunity for master and PhD students to present their research, and NBS will cover 1000 NOK of the conference fee for participants that are selected to present their research as a talk during the meeting.


The meeting costs approx. 2000 NOK, this covers food and lodging in double room.

Register by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Please mention in your e-mail whether you wish to present your research and who you wish to share room with (only doubles available).

Final registration date is Febuary 7th.

We hope to meet many of you at Oppdal!

Best regards,

Lene Grøvdal, NBS Trøndelag

Populærvitenskapelig Aften Torsdag 27. Oktober

Velkommen til Populærvitenskapelig Aften!

Arrangementet er gratis, og åpent for alle.  Første del vil foregå på engelsk, mens de to siste foredrag vil være på norsk.


17:00: Velkommen

17:10: Duan Chen: Translational research: a lesson from gastric cancer

17:40: Geir Bjørkøy: Why was the Nobel Prize 2016 awarded to Yoshinori   Ohsumi for his work on autophagy?

18:10: Pizza!!!!!!

18:30: Trygve Brautaset: Genombasert metabolic engineering av bakterien Bacillus methanolicus

19:00: Steffen Blakstad (Hegstad og Blakstad): Bedre biff gjennom tradisjonelle metoder (med smaksprøver)

Tid og sted: Kunnskapssenteret, St. Olavs, rom KS12, 17.00

For å få bestilt nok pizza til alle, ber vi deg registrere deg på forhånd her 


Oppdalsmøtet 2016


The Norwegian Biochemical Society (NBS) wish to invite you all to a two-day professional and social gathering at hotel Granen, Åre (Sweden) http://www.aregranen.se/en.

The scientific program will start at 13.00 April 6. and will finish at 11.30 the day after. Transport back to Trondheim will leave at around 17.00, giving time to take part in the activities Åre can offer.

Complete program will be available soon.

We hope to make this an excellent opportunity for master and PhD students to present their research and NBS will cover 1000 NOK of the costs for all participants that contribute with a talk.

The meeting costs approx. 2000 NOK, this covers food and lodging in double room.

Register by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Please mention in your e-mail whether you wish to present your research, if you need transport to/from Åre and who you wish to share room with (only doubles available).

Registration deadline 15/2-2016.

We hope to meet many of you in Åre!

Best regards,

Atle van Beelen Granlund, NBS Trøndelag

Sponsored by

       VWR logologo hel_Fisher

“Oppdalsmøtet” 2016 – NBS Trondheim



The Norwegian Biochemical Society (NBS) in Trondheim wish to invite you all to a two-day professional and social gathering at hotel Granen, Åre (Sweden) http://www.aregranen.se/en.

The scientific program will start at approx. 12.30 the 6th of April, and will finish at 11.30 the day after. The transport back to Trondheim will depart at 17.00, giving time to take part in the activities Åre can offer.

More information regarding scientific program and registration will be given soon.

Populærvitenskap og Pizza

Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap i Trondheim vil på onsdag 4. November kl. 17.00 arrangere et populærvitenskaplig seminar for nye og gamle medlemmer i DU2-150 («Lunsjrommet» ved Institutt for Biologi, Realfagsbygget). Med oss har vi:


Ragnhild Irene Jacobsen, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience / Center for Neural Computation

Hvordan fungerer hjernen?


Magnar Bjørås, Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine

Impact of DNA base lesion repair on cognitive function


Anders Christensen, Department of Computer and Information Science

Ølbryggetradisjoner du ikke får kjøpt i butikken


Det vil bli servering av pizza og forfriskninger. Deltakelse er gratis.


Påmelding skjer med en e-post til [email protected] innen tirsdag 3. November




Populærvitenskap og pizza

Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap i Trondheim vil på kvelden onsdag 28. Oktober arrangere et populærvitenskaplig seminar for nye og gamle medlemmer. Det vil bli servering av pizza og forfriskninger. Deltakelse er gratis.


Vi kommer tilbake med program og tidspunkt.



Program for årets Oppdalsmøte i Åre

Granen Hotell, Åre

 The program for our upcoming meeting in Åre is ready. Looking forward to seeing you all at Hotel Granen.


Tuesday 3rd March

08:00                    Bus departure, MTFS – Øya

08:15                    Bus departure, Realfagsbygget – Gløshaugen

 10:45                    Arrival Granen Hotell, Åre

 11:30-12:30          Lunch

12:30-15:00          Scientific program

 15:00-15:30          Break

 15:30-18:00          Scientific program

 19:00                    Dinner

 Wednesday 4th March

 -10.00:                  Breakfast

 10.00-11:30:         Scientific program

 11:30-16.00:         Lunch, check-out, leisure (cross country/down hill skiing,

shopping, etc.)

 17:00:                   Bus departure, Granen Hotell

Scientific Program

Tuesday 3rd March

 12.30          Atle van Beelen GranlundWelcome

12.45          Trude FloCEMIR in brief & The inner life of a mycobacterium-infected macrophage

13.30          Hany Ibrahim – HIV and autophagy in T cells

14.00          Jennifer MildenbergerDampening inflammatory signalling by omega 3 fatty acids

14.30          Marte Dragset / Maja Helleland – Identification of Mycobacterium avium Transposon Library Mutants by Illumina Sequencing

Break – snacks/refreshments

15.30          Geir slupphaug – Mass spectrometry based research projects at PROMEC

16.15          Kristian Wollen Steen – Mass spectrometry-based identification of mRNA-binding proteins responsive to cell stress

16.45          Mirta Mittelstedt Leal de Sousa Principles of targeted proteomics and its applications in cancer research

17.15          Finn Drabløs – The Phantom meets Lucky Luke: Being faster than your shadow

Wednesday 4th March

10.00          Line Aanerud Omtvedt – Partially Oxidized Alginate Grafted with β-CyD: A Potential Release System for Biomedical Molecules

10.30          Marianne Øksnes Dalheim – Alginate functionalization – with high degrees of substitution and no by-products

11.00          Bjørnar Sporsheim – Quantitative 3-D colocalization analysis as a tool to study the intracellular trafficking and dissociation of pDNA-chitosan polyplexes


NBS inviterer til «Oppdalsmøte» 3. til 4. Mars 2015

NBS Trøndelag ønsker å følge opp den gode tradisjonen med årlige møter for lokale NBS-medlemmer, og ønsker med dette å invitere til årets “Oppdalsmøte” ved

Hotell Granen i Åre 3. til 4. Mars



Vi håper at dette kan være en god anledning for både faglig og sosial utveksling mellom de ulike forskningsgruppene i regionen. Det faglige programmet vil løpe fra ca. 13.00 den 3. Mars til 11.30 den 4. Mars. Buss hjem går ca. kl 17.00 den 4. Mars. Endelig program vil bli sendt ut i løpet av uken.

Vi ser dette som en ypperlig anledning for masterstudenter og stipendiater til å presentere sin forskning, og det er fortsatt mulig å melde sin interesse for å holde en 30-minutters presentasjon. Dette må da nevnes ved påmelding.

NBS dekker oppholdet for stipendiater som holder foredrag, og for alle masterstudenter som ønsker å delta på møtet.

Oppholdet ved Hotell Granen koster ca. 2000 kr pr. pers. Dette dekker da kost og losji i dobbeltrom.

Påmelding skjer ved å sende e-post til [email protected]. I denne e-posten skriver dere om dere trenger transport med buss, og hvem dere ønsker å dele rom med (kun dobbeltrom ledig).

MERK! Kort påmeldingsfrist! Påmelding må være sendt innen 13/2-2015.

Håper å møte dere i Åre!

NBS avdeling Trøndelag arrangerer høstseminar 24. november 2011

Det vil bli flere interessante foredrag og vi serverer pizza. Hold av ettermiddagen! Programmet er under utarbeidelse og vil legges ut så snart det er klart.