Ledig stilling: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Cell Biology (Extracellular vesicles/Exosomes)

Department of Biochemistry – Division of Cancer Medicine, Surgery and Transplantation, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital HF

Fellowship duration: 3 years starting 2nd quarter 2015.

Application deadline: 1 February 2015

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19th November 15:15-16:30

Carsten Schultz (Cell Biology & Biophysics Unit, EMBL Heidelberg)  – “Tools for Manipulating Cell Activities

17th November 09:15-12:00

The international year of crystallography minisymposium:“Crystallography – Past, Presence and Future”

Aud. 2, Department of Chemistry (UiO): Carl Henrik Gørbitz (UiO) “One hundred years of crystallography“, Fred Wittinghofer (MPI Dortmund) “Interpretation of Macromolecular Structures and interfacing with Biochemistry“, Thomas Schneider (DESY, Hamburg) “Technology meets science. Synchrotron crystallography as a tool for bimolecular structure determination“.

Proteomic Forum 2015

22–25 March 2015

Congress Venue

Technical University Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin, Germany

Hosting Society

German Society of Proteome Research (DGPF)

Website: www.proteomic-forum.de

Januar – Populærvitenskapelig foredrag

Prof. Carl Henrik Gørbitz (Kjemisk institutt) “Vann – Vått,  vilt, vakkert og ganske uvanlig