Marit Otterlei
NTNU — Norway
Based on the scientific discovery of the novel PCNA interaction motif, APIM, Otterlei founded the NTNU spin-off company APIM Therapeutics in 2009, and has since then been in charge of the development of a peptide drug containing the APIM sequence for use in cancer therapy as a part time CSO in APIM Therapeutics. Clinical phase I was finalized in 2021, and the drug, ATX-101, is well tolerated and show cancer stabilizing activity. Two Phase Ib/II studies are ongoing.
The research group’s current focus is to further explore peptides targeting the bacterial DNA sliding clamp for anti-bacterial activities.
  • Select a clinical indication for further development
  • Explore the beta-clamp’s role outside DNA replication, i.e. elucidate the involvement in regulation of cellular signaling and metabolism.
  • Explore the interaction between the APIM-peptide and its target.