NBS Bergen

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NBS SEMINARS 2014 -2023
Seminar typeDateSpeakerTalk
NBS Bergen Symposium10.04.2024Key note speaker:
Jennifer Lippincott-Scwartz (HHMI - USA)COPII with ALG2 and ESCRTs control lysosome-dependent microautophagy of ER exit sites
Minisymposium speakers:
Josep Marti Solans (M. Sars Centre)Functional divergence in gene families: DEG/ENaC as a case study
Krill Jefimov (Dept. of Biological Sciences)Mapping of time-resolved Hsp90-client protein interactions
Rodolfo Baldinotti (Dept. of Biomedicine)Stimulus-sensitive detection of constitutive Arc-Arc interaction in hippocampal neuronal culture via a novel nanobody based proximity ligation assay
Øyvind Strømland (Dept. of Biomedicine)Breaking NAD+ - hydrolysis an signaling
Katharina Stracke (Dept. of Biological Sciences)Molecular characterization of the gastrotrich nervous system of Lepidodermella squamata
Ann Kari Grindheim (Pluvia AS)Development of pharmacological chaperones for the treatment of PKU
Poster prize winner:
Åse K. Bekkelund (Dept. of Biomedicine)Mechanistic investigations of PFBC in NAA60 loss of function cases
Science and Social22.11.2023Karl Johan Tronstad (Dept. of Biomedicine)Metabolic Phenotypes: Key Indicators of Health and Disease
Science and Social05.10.2023Marte I. Flydal (MGM - Haukeland University Hospital)Interpreting Spelling Errors in DNA: Innocent or Detrimental?
Science and Social15.02.2023Tim P. Lynagh (M. Sars Centre)Neurotransmitter Receptors Mediate Rapid Signals Between Cells by Coupling Ligand-Binding to Electrical Currents
Julemøte18.12.2019Ida Helene SteenLife in deep sea thermal vent systems
Science and Social30.10.2019Karianne FjeldHunting for risk factors - disease mechanisms and new therapeutic treatments in pancreatic disease
BBB Seminar10.10.2019Douglas LauffenburgerSystems biology analysis of cancer drug resistance and therapeutic combinations: Attentio to tumor extrinsic mechanisms
Science and Social28.05.2019Silke AppelTowards personilized therapy for inflammatory disease
Science and Social04.10.2019Michael DondrupFrom pest to heme trafficking - what can we learn drom sea lice and other parasites
Science and Social20.03.2019Lars HerfindalTargeted therapy and magic bullets in cancer treatment. Does it really work?
Science and Social18.02.2019Marie Holm SolheimA very SHORT story about PI3 kinase
Julemøte12.05.2018Rune KleppeCentre for Digital Life Norway
Science and Social27.11.2018Nils HalbergThe cancer-obesity connection and thoughts on how to start a lab from scratch
Science and Social30.10.2018Illimar Hugo RekandAntibiotic resistance today and tomorrow
Science and Social25.09.2018Gøran DalheimHow do you put together and manage a research group?
Science and Social28.08.2018Magali Van LindenA role for the compartmentalization of cells in NAD-dependent processes
Science and Social22.05.2018Fekadu YadetieToxicogenomics of Atlantic cod
BBB Seminar15.05.2018Greg LenkeTAM Receptors in the brain
Science and Social04.10.2018Gyri Teien HauglandLumpfish - a green superhero?
Julemøte14.12.2017Gro BjergaNew enzymes are key to furture development of the Norwegian bio-based industry
NBS + Tekna Biotek05.03.2017Several speakersOxytocin and open access
Julemøte10.12.2015Rein Aasland og Lisbeth OlsenThe Nobel prize in chemistry 2015 - DNA repair mechanisms
NBS/BBB seminar08.10.2015Ray C. StevensThe incredible diversity of G-protein coupled receptors
NBS/BBB seminar13.05.2015Kai SimonsCell membranes: subcompartmentalization driven by phase separation
BBB Seminar06.02.2015Cristopher M. OverallQuantitative proteomics and systems biology - analysis of proteolytic networks in vivo
Julemøte10.12.2014Pål PuntervollETECvac - the hunt for a vaccine candidate