Innkalling til generalforsamling for Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap 21-01-2017 kl 11:00


  1. Godkjenning av innkalling og dagsorden.
  2. Styrets beretning.
  3. Forslag fra generalsekretæren om å begrense utdelingen av reisestipend
    De siste årene har NBS delt ut reisestipend til alle master- og phdstudenter som har levert en tilfredsstillende søknad. Som en følge av dette har formuen blitt redusert fra 4 millioner kroner til rundt 2 millioner. Avhengig av hvor stor pengebeholdning det er ønskelig at NBS har, må vi før eller senere begrense utdelingen av reisestipend. Generalsekretæren foreslår at vi begynner i 2017 og at begrensningen består i at studenter bare kan bli tildelt reisestipend én gang i løpet av masterstudiet og én gang i løpet av phd-studiet. Alternativt eller i tillegg kunne det kanskje være lurt å kreve at søkerne har vært NBSmedlemmer en viss tid på forhånd før de søker, f. eks. 3 måneder.
  4. FEBS-delegat Winnie Eskild redegjør for aktiviteten i FEBS-styret.
  5. Rapporter fra lokallagene.
  6. Kontaktmøtet 2018: Arrangementskomiteen fra Oslo forteller.
  7. Arrangør av NBS Kontaktmøte 2019: Det er Trondheim som står for tur!Eventuelt.Blindern 21. desember 2016Tom Kristensen, generalsekretær
Storefjell Turisthotell – lørdag 21. januar 2017 kl. 11:00
Tom Kristensen, generalsekretær

The FEBS Congress 2017

Save the Date for The FEBS Congress 2017
September 10-14, 2017, Jerusalem, Israel

We are honored to invite you to the 42nd FEBS Congress, which will take place in Jerusalem, Israel on September 10-14, 2017.

With best regards,

The organizing committee

Open website for more information ↴

The BioCat program…

The BioCat program (National graduate school in biocatalysis) was launched in July this year. All PhD students enrolled in BioCat will get their registration fees reimbursed! Check out the BioCat website here →

NBS-Nytt er medlem av organisasjonen Fagpressen

NBS-Nytt er medlem av organisasjonen Fagpressen, som nylig har lansert nyhetsportalen Fagpressenytt. Knyttet til portalen er nyhetsbrevet Fagpressenytt, hvor leserne kan skreddersy sine egne nyhetsbrev med journalistikk fra de stoffområdene de ønsker. Fagpressen har satt i gang en vervekampanje for å få flere brukere av Fagpressenytt, se nedenfor!

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Nå kan du få fagnyheter fra alle Fagpressens medier i ett og samme gratis nyhetsbrev ­ skreddersydd med akkurat de emnene du er interessert i.

Alle som melder seg på dette nyhetsbrevet innen 1. oktober, er med i trekningen av en Apple Watch i valgfri utførelse. Du kan altså tilpasse både klokken og nyhetsbrevet slik det passer deg.
Påmelding skjer fra hjemmesiden –

Vinneren blir kunngjort på Fagpressens Facebook-side 1. oktober.

Påmeldingsfrist: 1. oktober

PhD Research Fellowship in Microbial Biology and Evolution

Department of Biosciences
Position as PhD Research fellow available at Department of Biosciences.

The fellowship will be for a period of 3 years, with no compulsory work or for a period of 4 years, with 25 % compulsory work (teaching responsibilities at the department) contingent on the qualifications of the candidate and the teaching needs of the department. Starting date no later than 01.10.2016.

No one can be appointed for more than one fixed-term period at the same institution.

Job/ project description:

The position will be associated with the Centre for Integrative Microbial Evolution – CIME, which is a prioritized research area at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The main objective of the PhD project is to elucidate and understand the molecular processes underlying bacterial protein glycosylation (pgl) using species within the genus Neisseria as a model system. Studies will entail work to identify pgl genotype – phenotype relationships driving glycan diversification and evolution. The work will be carried in the group of Prof. Michael Koomey. Further information on the system under investigation can be found in recent publications from his group. Part of the work will be carried out with collaborators at Oslo University Hospital and the Norwegian Institute for Public Health (Oslo).

Application deadline: June 22
 Detailed information

Interessert i jobb i Tyskland?


The German Academic Exchange service (DAAD, offers a “Postdoctoral Researchers’ Networking Tour” for postdocs from molecular bioscience who are interested in job opportunities in Germany (academic and non-academic).

We offer:

  • a practice orientated and diverse programme to suit the requirements of the participants
  • coverage of programme related costs in Germany (accommodation, domestic travel, most meals)
  • a lump sum travel allowance if such costs are not borne by a third party. This will also be provided if the stay is extended by up to five working days in order to allow for additional professional networking.

The dates are: July 15 2016 (deadline for application) and September 25 to October 1 (Tour).

Open website for more information ↴

The 41th FEBS Congress in Turkey


Open website ↴

Women In Science Award


Please send your nominations to ↴
[email protected]
More information ↴

PhD position in plant molecular biology/genomics (receptor like kinase signaling)

NTNU – knowledge for a better world TRONDHEIM | GJØVIK | ÅLESUND

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) creates knowledge for a better world and solutions that can change everyday life.

PhD position in plant molecular biology/genomics (receptor like kinase signaling) ↴

A PhD position is available at the Department of Biology. The appointment has a duration of 3 years with the possibility of until 1 year extension with 25% teaching duties in agreement with the department.
The position is financed by the FRIMEDBIO program of the Norwegian Research Council (RCN) and will be linked to the project “A receptor like kinase (LRR-RLK) sensing sugars and tuning plant growth and immunity”

Information about the department ↴

The strategy of the Department of Biology is to understand biological processes of life to secure sustainable use of and conservation of the environment. The Department has academic and research activities in the following disciplines: cell- and molecular biology, systems biology, physiology, ethology, ecology, evolution, population genetics, marine biology, aquaculture, biodiversity and environmental toxicology. Further information is available at:

Job description ↴

The PhD candidate will take part in the deciphering of a control system sensing extracellular sugar levels. We have identified a Leucine- Rich Repeat Receptor-Like Kinase (LRR-RLK) with a likely function in sensing of extracellular sugars and connecting sugar availability to the regulation of gene expression and growth in model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.

Application deadline: April 21st
 Detailed information on our PhD programs

MR2016 in Bergen at Grand Hotel Terminus Thursday 16/6 and Friday 17/6

Dear NBS member,

Registration and abstract submission is now open for MR2016, the biannual national NMR meeting. MR2016 will take place in Bergen at Grand Hotel Terminus Thursday 16/6 and Friday 17/6.
The organizer, the Norwegian Society for Magnetic Resonance, has as one of its main goals to strengthen the scientific bonds between MR researchers at the universities in Norway. We encourage sharing research experience and important scientific improvements within biochemistry, pharmacology, medical research and many other fields. We hope that as many of you as possible can join us in Bergen in June 2016 to meet new and old NMR/MRI friends. The NMR environment is also constantly looking for new collaborators within the molecular life sciences. Now is an especially fortunate time to take advantage of what NMR can offer, as we are in the process of installing brand new equipment across the country.

Related to this, the national NMR community is very happy to announce the following speakers for the opening of the Bergen high field facility and the inauguration of NNP.

University of Pittsburgh

Universita di Bologna

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

All will give lectures with structural biology, biochemistry and molecular biology.

Registration – Please take advantage of the Early Bird rates, deadline 15th of April
Book room at Hotel Terminus – the conference venue

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