Populærvitenskapelig foredrag: Matfrykt og matfakta – skremslenes anatomi
NBS-Oslo inviterer til Generalforsamling og populærvitenskapelig foredrag:
«Matfrykt og matfakta – skremslenes anatomi»
Med Trygve Eklund
Trygve Eklund har teknisk doktorgrad fra Lunds Universitet, cand.real-grad fra UiO, og MBA fra BI – og er tilkjent professorkompetanse i matvitenskap.
Tirsdag 8. desember
Kristine Bonnevies Hus, Universitetet i Oslo
Kl 15:15, Auditorium 1
Etter seminaret blir det Generalforsamling:
Rom 3213, Kristine Bonnevies hus kl 1615.
Etter generalforsamlingen serverer vi tapas.
Kort om foredraget:
Matfrykt er blitt et gjennomgående tema i medier. Mer eller mindre bevisst uvitenhet ligger til grunn for at bøker blir skrevet og nettsteder florerer med såkalte ”avsløringer” av risikofaktorer i mat. De ukyndiges selvbevisste utfoldelse skremmer bokstavelig talt vettet av folk, og vitenskapelig funderte synspunkter kommer lite frem i lyset.
Nærværende foredragsholder, som liker å kalle seg ”kunnskapsformidler og kåsør”, har 30 års erfaring knyttet til arbeid med risikofaktorer i mat og miljø. Ubundet av forretningsinteresser, myndighetsunderdanighet og politisk korrekthet vil han gjennomgå grunnlaget for matfrykt, med særlig vekt på tilsetningsstoffer.
Lecture: Endosomal lipids in trafficking and signaling
The Norwegian Biochemical Society-Oslo (BIG) invites you to the lecture:
“Endosomal lipids in trafficking and signaling”
Jean Gruenberg,
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Thursday November 26, 2015 – Kristine Bonnevies Hus, University of Oslo
16:00 Auditorium 1
During endocytosis, cell surface components including housekeeping receptors and activated signaling receptors are delivered to early endosomes, where they are sorted to be either reutilized via recycling pathways or transported towards late endosomes and then lysosomes for degradation. In the latter case, down-regulated receptors and other molecules destined for the lysosomes are incorporated into lumenal invaginations of the early endosome membrane, which are pinched off as free cargo-containing vesicles. These multivesicular regions detach and become multivesicular endosomes, which are transported to and fuse with late endosomes. Eventually, intralumenal vesicles (ILVs) and their cargo are delivered to lysosomes and degraded. Alternatively, ILVs can also be released extracellularly as exosomes, upon fusion of multivesicular endosomes with the plasma membrane. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) that have been endocytosed are eventually delivered to multivesicular late endosomes. There, cholesteryl esters are de-esterified so that free cholesterol can be released and exported to other cellular destinations. The export mechanisms remain ill defined, but it is clear that disruption of the process has profound consequences for cellular sterol homeostasis and can result in the neurodegenerative disease Niemann-Pick C (NPC). Our previous studies suggest that the fate of LDL-derived cholesterol is linked to the unconventional phospholipid lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA) that is abundant in late endosome intralumenal membranes, since interfering with LBPA functions phenocopies NPC at the cellular level. Our approaches to study the mechanisms of endosomal cholesterol transport will be discussed, including biochemical strategies and unbiased high content image-based screens.
Post-doc forskerstilling (vikariat) – Klinikk for diagnostikk og intervensjon, Seksjon for forskning, Avdeling for medisinsk biokjemi, Enhet for Vevskultur, Regenerativ medisin
Enhet for vevskultur, regenerativ medisin har som sitt forskningsmål å utvikle et optimalt system for lagring av dyrkede celler med det formål å utvide adgangen til regenerativ medisin. For å fremme effektiv transplantasjon av lagrede, dyrkede vev tester vi at vevets grunnleggende karakter er uendret etter lagring; viabilitet, fenotype og morfologi.
Vi søker en erfaren og motivert post-doc for stillingen som forsker. Stillingen er et vikariat i 100 % med 1 års varighet. Det er mulighet til forlengelse/fast ansettelse for en god kandidat med eksepsjonelle ferdigheter. Vi søker etter en entusiastisk og målrettet person som kan arbeide selvstendig så vel som i samarbeid med vårt team.
Søknader sendes via e-post til [email protected].
Kandidater som blir utvalgt for intervju vil bli kontaktet av søkerkomiteen.
What is molecular gastronomy? Can it be used in high-quality science communication? by Erik Fooladi
What is molecular gastronomy?
Can it be used in high-quality science communication?
Erik Fooladi
(Volda University College)
Thursday 15th of October 2015
Kristine Bonnevies Hus, University of Oslo
16:15, Bikuben
Pizza will be served from 16:00
The seminar will be in English.
The term molecular gastronomy first appeared in the late 1980´s and has since gained increasing momentum. It has been a source of fascination, development and reorientation within both certain areas of science as well as society. It has also stirred feelings resulting in heated debates amongst both researchers and artisans. Is this a societal movement, is it a scientific discipline, or maybe it is simply a fad? The presentation given will discuss what molecular gastronomy is (or can be) as well as ways to use this phenomenon to communicate an intriguing but yet fairly balanced picture of the nature of science.
Hans Prydz Guest Lecture and Norwegian Biochemical Society – Oslo (BIG) Lecture by Professor John D. Scott, FRS
Title: Guiding signals through anchored enzyme complexes: implications for disease
Abstract: Intracellular signal transduction events are precisely regulated in space and time. This is achieved in part by A-Kinase Anchoring Proteins (AKAPs) that tether a variety of protein kinases and phosphatases in proximity to selected substrates. AKAP targeting provides an efficient means to reversibly control the phosphorylation status of key substrates and contributes to the dynamic regulation of sophisticated cellular pathways. Using biochemical, genetic, and super-resolution imaging techniques we show that the anchoring protein Gravin enhances the precision of cellular signaling at the spindle poles of cells undergoing mitosis. In particular, Gravin functions to assemble a kinase signaling scaffold that comprises of Aurora A and Polo-like kinase 1, two enzymes that govern passage through the mammalian cell cycle. More clinically relevant studies have discovered that aberrant Gravin signaling contributes to pathological changes in the mitotic index and polarized division of cancer cells in common germline derived tumors such as testicular seminomas.
Time and place: Oct 13, 2015 01:00 PM – 02:00 PM, Runde auditorium (R-105), Domus Medica tilbygg, Sognsvannsveien 9, Oslo.
About: Professor John D. Scott and his group are located at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Pharmacology, University of Washington, Seattle, US. The Scott research group is interested in understanding the specificity of signal transduction events that are controlled by anchoring proteins. Anchoring proteins facilitate rapid signal transduction by optimally positioning protein kinases and phosphatases in the vicinity of their activating signals and close to their substrates.
Organized by: Biotechnology Centre / Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM), UiO
Co-organized by: NBS-Oslo (BIG)
Contact: Kjetil Taskén, Professor of Medicine, M.D., Ph.D.
Doktorgradsstipendiat ved Kreftavdelingen – Akershus universitetssykehus HF
Akershus universitetssykehus er Norges største akuttsykehus, og lokal– og områdesykehus for nær 10 % av Norges befolkning. Vi har et raskt voksende forskningsmiljø på et høyt internasjonalt nivå som understøtter utviklingen av prioriterte medisinske og helsefaglige satsningsområder. Det er god tilgang til forskningsstøtte bl.a. innen forskningsadministrasjon, IKT, biobank, statistikk med mer. Forskningen skjer i nært samarbeid med Universitetet i Oslo, som har bygget opp et bredt utrustet forskningslaboratorium.
Ahus’ visjon er: “Menneskelig nær – faglig sterk”.
Akershus universitetssykehus HF
Ref. nr.: 2542207843
Stillingsbrøk: 100%
Anne Hansen Ree
Professor 67969411
Sykehusveien 25,
1478 Lørenskog
FEBS Newsletter – January 2015
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Please find below the link to the January 2015 Issue of FEBS Newsletter detailing FEBS upcoming activities for the year of 2015: FEBS Congress in Berlin, FEBS Publications, Advanced Courses,
other key events and more.
Wishing you a successful and prosperous year!
With Best Wishes,
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